The department organizes various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The co curricular activities include seminars and conferences, training on social and political research, and software for social research, such as SPSS. It also arranges extra-curricular activities, such as inter-semester games (football, cricket, and indoor games), debate competition, and blood donation program. To this end, the department observes “sports week” in each academic year. The students of Political Studies regularly participate in inter-department sports, such as football, cricket, volleyball, basketball, badminton, and indoor games organized by the university sports center. The students also participate in inter-university sports and cultural programs. In many occasions, the department of Political Studies has won trophies and cups in sports and games. The department also solemnly observes national and international days, such as the Bangla New Year (Pohela Boishakh), International Mother Language Day (21 February), Martyred Intellectuals Day (14 December), National and Independence Day (26 March), Victory Day (16 December). The department organizes annual picnic, excursion, study tour, refresher’s reception and fare-well ceremony, and BBQ party for the students every year. These activities are mainly organized by the PSS Society. The outgoing students celebrate the RAG Day and arrange the colorful rally to mark their graduation.
The faculties of the department allocate time for students beyond their class hours for academic guidance and counselling. At the beginning of each semester, students are grouped and assigned with a mentor from whom they are supposed to have mentorship including advice and guidance regarding their academic and also personal matters. They can discuss their issues and get settled from the support of the mentor depending on the magnitude of the issues concerned. If the issues are out of his jurisdiction, they are either discussed and settled in the academic meeting of the department or referred to the Academic Council of the university. However, the department has yet established no provision of appointing any faculty (male and female) to deal with students’ gender sensitive issues, stress management, nervous breakdown, and other psychological problems.