Dr. Mohammed Abu Sayed Arfin Khan
Dean, Agriculture & Mineral Sciences
88-0821713491/273, Mobile: 01917174537
khan-for@sust.edu, nobelarfin@yahoo.com
AMS Dean Office, Room no. 120, E-Building, SUST
. . .
Dr Mohammad Reza Selim
Dean, Applied Sciences & Technology
/672, 88-01972357830
Room: 319, Dept. of CSE, Dr. M.A. Wazed Miah IIC. . .
Dr. Md. Abdullah Al Mamun
Dean, Life Sciences
/2620, 01714516919
mssohel@yahoo.com; mamamun-geb@sust.edu
Dr. Md. Abdullah Al Mamun
Departmen. . .
Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Hoque
Dean, Management & Business Administration
+88-02996636454, 02996631379, 0299663485. . .
Room: 313, Department of Business Administration. . .
Dr Syed Badiuzzaman Faruque
Dean, Physical Sciences
714479, Ext. 253(Off) 297(Off) 325(Res),. . .
Department of Physics, SUST
Dr. Laila Ashrafun
Dean, Social Sciences
as_joya@yahoo.com, laila-soc@sust.edu
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
Professor, . . .