Department of Oceanography at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology is currently offering Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Oceanography.
The entire Bachelor’s degree program is covered through a set of theoretical, practical, project, viva and seminar courses. School of Physical Scienceshas a requirement of 140 credits to graduate from its disciplines. A regular student is expected to graduate in 8 semesters (4 years).
(1) Masters (General) Program:
The duration of Masters (General) in Oceanography is 1 year and are spreader over two semesters. The department will fix the courses of two semesters including Professonal Internship and Viva-voce (Compulsory) considering the minimum requirement of 24 credits for the degree.
(2) Masters (Thesis) Program:
The duration of Masters (Thesis) in Oceanography is 1.5 years and are spreader over three semesters. The courses of First Semester will be identical of the Masters (General) students fix by the department. The graduate studies committee (GSC) will approve the courses of Second Semester and the theses for Third Semester considering the minimum requirement of 36 credits for the Masters (Thesis) degree.