Student engagement is a holistic concept combining participation, involvement affiliation and quality of learning. It relates to the full range of experiences and practices of being a student and of learning in a university. It is a description of the behavior toward, relationship with, and commitment to learning. Engagement is supported by a sense of belonging as fostered by such things as learning and teaching, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and the blurring of the boundary between formal and informal student life.
We are part of a team of advisers who together work to support many of the student organizations on campus. Whether you are looking for advisement with running your organization, planning an event, organizing your organization's financial records, starting a student group, or if you just want to brainstorm, the staff is here to support you. We also provide student organizations with invaluable resources. Advisers are available to assist in your development as a campus leader as well as to support student organizations in their particular objectives.